Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Reflections, as a result of a very close friend, Ian Cook, dying.

In life your closest friends number very few. Ian was one of mine. The relationship, a very open one, of 30 years. He passed away in a matter of moments at the end of a walk with friends, with no pain, doing something he loved doing. What a way to go.

Within the last 2/3 months as Ian left a funeral he said to his wife, Robyn, "I feel worse coming out than when I went in. At my funeral I want people to feel better for the experience". That is what happened.

Ian was bigger then life. He made a difference in everything he did. Whether it was in your life, your business, or anything else that was part of your life. He impacted not only each of us as individuals but our children and our friends. In many cases he was the ring master in all that we did.

Ian will be missed. His funeral was the celebration of a fantastic life. Everyone left the funeral better than when they entered.

Ian created the opportunity for us to spend time with his wonderful wife and their children Gemma and Julia. Two days before Ian died Gemma and Christian provided Ian with a beautiful granddaughter, Alexandra.

The return allowed us an unexpected flying catch up with children, parents and very close and special friends. Never to be taken for granted.

Thanks Ian for creating the opportunity. During the week of writing this blog Steve Jobs of Apple fame passed away. Similar to Ian he was an innovator. His quote "Stay hungry Stay foolish" also summarizes Ian. I have no doubt heaven has been reorganized and technologically advanced.

Ian thanks for reminding us of the importance of life and the need to take nothing for granted. You will be missed

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